Jinnee - significado y definición. Qué es Jinnee
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Qué (quién) es Jinnee - definición

·noun A genius or demon; one of the fabled genii, good and evil spirits, supposed to be the children of fire, and to have the power of assuming various forms.
Ejemplos de uso de Jinnee
1. How can he know that he is speaking to a jinnee or that the jinnee is listening to him when he cannot see the jinnee or speak to him?
2. Similarly, if he claims that he is in control of a jinnee, his claim is false.
3. As such, the claim that a jinnee possesses one’s body or one’s mind is false.
4. One sheikh says that he keeps a jinnee under his control.
5. He uses such jinnee to help other people, and asks for no money in return.